The Impacts of Recycling on a Community

Recycling positively impacts communities with its economic, environmental and social benefits. Here are some key ways recycling programs contribute positively to the overall health and well-being of our community through job creation, expansion of the local economy, public health benefits and energy conservation.

Economic Growth

The economic benefits of recycling are well-documented. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, annual recycling activities in the United States account for more than 681,000 jobs, $37.8 billion in wages and $5.5 billion in tax revenues.This equates to 1.17 jobs per 1,000 tons of materials recycled. For every ton of materials recycled, $65.23 in wages and $9.42 in tax revenue is earned.

On the local level, recycling stimulates the economy by creating jobs in the collection, sorting and processing of recyclables, which is more labor-intensive than waste disposal. These jobs can range from entry-level positions to technical roles. Here in Tallahassee and Leon County, Marpan alone recycles 75,000 tons of materials annually, resulting in $5 million in wages, $700,000 in tax revenue and the creation of over 80 jobs.

In addition, recycling programs can stimulate economic growth by creating markets for recycled materials and products. This can lead to the development of new businesses and the expansion of existing ones. For example, Marpan processes recycled urban wood waste to create and sell mulch to businesses and residents for their landscaping needs.

Land Conservation

Another environmental motivation for recycling is the avoidance of landfill disposal. On average, a municipal solid waste landfill in the United States covers about 600 acres. Landfills not only take up large amounts of land but can also lead to environmental issues such as soil and water contamination. By recycling materials like paper, plastics, and metals, the volume of waste that ends up in these landfills is significantly reduced. This not only conserves land but also preserves natural habitats and reduces the need to convert more land into waste disposal sites.

Energy Savings

Recycling helps conserve energy in multiple ways. It reduces the need for raw material extraction and processing, both of which are energy-intensive activities. For instance, recycling aluminum saves about 95% of the energy needed to produce it from scratch. Recycling also decreases the energy used in transportation and waste management, making a community’s recycling efforts directly contribute to a more energy-efficient and sustainable future.

Community Awareness

Recycling programs often involve educational campaigns that raise awareness about environmental issues and foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for the environment. By reducing pollution and conserving resources, recycling contributes to a cleaner and healthier environment, which can improve overall public health and quality of life. Recycling promotes sustainable practices and encourages individuals and businesses to think about the lifecycle of products and their environmental impact.

The Far-Reaching Effects of Recycling

Recycling plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable and resilient community by reducing the amount of waste in landfills, fostering economic opportunities, and enhancing social well-being. The recycling efforts of a community directly contribute to a healthier environment, increased citizen engagement, and conservation of resources including land and energy. Economic benefits like job creation, tax revenue and additional marketplaces are more reasons to embrace recycling.

Marpan has been the industry leader in recycling since 1966. Our community partnerships, long-time commitment to recycling and state-of-the-art facilities allow us to make a difference in Tallahassee and Leon County every day. For more information on how and what we recycle and explore our recycling services online.


The Impacts of Recycling on a Community

Recycling positively impacts communities with its economic, environmental and social benefits. Here are some key ways recycling programs contribute positively to the overall health and well-being of our community through job creation, expansion of the local economy, public health benefits and energy conservation.

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